Enquiring about Post-Ascension Appearances of Jesus Christ on Earth
To attract attention, many Christians of certain factions have been known to testify that they saw Jesus appearing in person on earth or (better still) sat casually to converse face-to-face with Him. What does the Bible say about such sightings that have been asserted ever since the Saviour ’s Ascension (reported by the chronicler in first Luke 24:51 before Acts 1:9)? Among the many Old Testament prophecies concerning Jesus ’ earthly sojourn is the following thought-provoking verse referred to by the Son of Man Himself when quizzing the Pharisees in Matthew 22:41-45 on the interpretation of what King David penned a millennium earlier: “t he Lord said to my Lord, ‘Sit at My right hand till I make Your enemies Your foot-stool’.” (Psalm 110:1 ) How this particular messianic verse is to be understood has thereafter been addressed in different New Testament books with a selection of their relevant passages reproduced herewith: #1 ...